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New Clothing Brand "Only 2 Weeks" Launches to Support Victims of Cyber Bullying and Revenge Porn

By Staff Reporter

In a powerful response to the growing issue of cyberbullying and revenge porn, a new clothing brand, "Only 2 Weeks," has been launched to support victims of these heinous acts. The brand was inspired by a viral video shared by an ex-husband in a cruel attempt to shame his ex-wife. The video was recorded in April/March 2024 but only shared by the ex husband in Aug 2024, has sparked outrage on social media, shows the husband complaining about how quickly his wife moved on after he abruptly left their matrimonial home following a confrontation over his extramarital affair.

The ex-husband, who stormed out of the house at midnight and called for divorce, returned two weeks later to collect his belongings. In the video the ex husband recorded, he criticizes his ex-wife for allegedly moving on too quickly, despite the emotional turmoil he caused by abruptly ending their marriage.

The "Only 2 Weeks" brand aims to raise awareness about the devastating effects of cyberbullying and revenge porn. All proceeds from the sale of the merchandise will be donated to charities dedicated to supporting victims of these crimes. The brand is not just a fashion statement but a symbol of resilience and empowerment, offering victims a way to reclaim their narrative and support others in similar situations.

The full video that inspired the brand has quickly gained attention as a rallying point for those advocating for stricter measures against cyberbullying and revenge porn. The Video which can be seen Here has been condemned by The Rock Global and other charities that support women's rights.

To learn more about the "Only 2 Weeks" brand and its mission, or to support the cause, visit the official Facebook page to see their collection. Every purchase contributes to the fight against abuse and supports victims in their journey towards healing.

For more information, visit Only 2 Weeks Facebook Page.


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